Newtimber Hill

Newtimber Hill is owned by the National Trust and is situated in the South Downs AONB. Most of the land is included in a large Site of Special Scientific Interest which spreads westwards along the spectacular Fulking Escarpment and Devils Dyke. All the land lies within the South Downs Environmentally Sensitive Area designated in 1986. It is a Grade 2 Nature Conservation Review Site on account of its well developed chalk downland habitat. There is a woodland trail at the foot of the hill (access from Beggars Lane/ A281), and from the hill, you have magnificent views of Devils Dyke and the Downs. The hill is managed as Open Space.

Newtimber Hill is a prominent feature in the landscape, particularly from the north and west of the property. Its land gives the impression of a horse's saddle, with a north and west facing section of the steep scarp slope of the South Downs along with the summit area and a section of the south facing dip slope which is dissected by a shallow dry combe forming gently along ridge spurs. A dew pond near the summit was restored in 1979.

The calcareous grassland is of outstanding quality including areas of very species-rich sward, especially on the steep, west-facing scarp slope. Horseshoe vetch, orchids, dropwort, autumn gentian and roundheaded rampion are present.

Conservation work

The friends of Devils Dyke do practical conservation work on Devils Dyke and Newtimber Hill. If you would like to help, there are working parties every other Sunday and Wednesday starting at 10:00 a.m. Further details are on the noticeboard near the hotel at Devils Dyke, or contact us

See also:


The recommended parking for Newtimber Hill is the car park at Summerdown (on the way to the Devil's Dyke). You join the South Downs Way and walk through Saddlescombe.